Transcript: Gov. Josh Shapiro on Why Harris Is on Track to Beat Trump

Transcript: Gov. Josh Shapiro on Why Harris Is on Track to Beat Trump

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Shapiro: Wellwho’s able to work with Republicans and Democrats alike to get shit done here in Pennsylvania. We’ve cut taxes four separate times for families who are struggling to afford childcare. We tripled their childcare tax credit. We gave small businesses a tax credit both on childcare and being able to wipe out some of their losses. We cut taxes for seniors who are struggling to stay in their homes, and we cut business taxes overall that’s helping stimulate economic growth. I think people are seeing the effect of that because we didn’t just talk about it. We actually got it done. I think they understand. And certainly we’re seeing this in Republican and Democratic communities alike. They see that the policies we’re putting forward, the kind of common sense things that I’m doing, that Kamala Harris proposes to do, as a way to grow the economy and put more money back in people’s pockets.

Sargent: Governor, as of today, the polling averages have Harris ahead 1.3 points in your state. That’s incredibly close. What’s your sense? As of now, is Harris leading in Pennsylvania, even if it’s by an extremely slim margin, or is it functionally a tie?

Shapiro: I mean, look, it’s probably functionally a tie. But hear me on this, because I think some context is really important. The last two presidential races, Greg, came down to 44,000 votes and 80,000 votes to put that in some context for your viewers and listeners. That’s a point or less. So whether it’s statistically a tie or it’s one point, the reality is the races here come down to a few tens of thousands of votes. Now, I’d rather be us than them. Let me explain why. Let me offer a little bit of meat on the bone there to back up my statement. Kamala Harris is playing on his side of the field right now. She’s showing up in rural communities and getting some really positive feedback. I’m seeing, anecdotally, more signs, more volunteers, more people willing to join the Harris campaign in the communities that are those swing areas or the swing counties. And while you got to pick up those last few yards and get in the end zone—and those last few yards are really tough here in Pennsylvania—I think we’ve got momentum and I’d rather be us than them in this battle.

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